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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: What is the African Survivor Leadership Academy?
The African Survivor Leadership Academy is an institution dedicated to empowering survivors of human trafficking and those on the front lines of combating this crime. Our mission is to provide comprehensive training and development for survivors, frontline workers, and various stakeholders including government entities, the private sector, academia, and civil society organizations (CSOs).

Our Approach

Q2: What is the Academy’s approach to training and development?
Our approach is centered around survivor-centered leadership, comprehensive training programs, and multi-stakeholder engagement. We prioritize the experiences and needs of survivors, ensuring their voices shape innovative prevention strategies and practices. We offer a wide range of training programs and collaborate with various sectors to create a unified response to human trafficking.

Q3: Why is survivor-centered leadership important?
Survivor-centered leadership is crucial because survivors possess unique insights and resilience essential for driving transformative change in anti-human trafficking efforts. By prioritizing their experiences and needs, we ensure that prevention strategies and practices are both innovative and effective.

Comprehensive Training Programs

Q4: What types of training programs does the Academy offer?
The Academy offers training programs in leadership development, advocacy, legal frameworks, trauma-informed care, and sustainable livelihood strategies. These programs are designed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively combat human trafficking.

Q5: Who can participate in the training programs?
Our training programs are open to survivors of human trafficking, frontline workers, government officials, private sector leaders, academic researchers, and CSO representatives. We aim to foster a collaborative effort across different sectors to eradicate human trafficking.

Key Features of Our Training

Q6: What are the key features of the Academy’s training?
The key features of our training include Leadership Development, Trauma-Informed Care, Legal and Policy Advocacy, and the intersection of Climate Change and Human Trafficking.

Q7: Why is trauma-informed care important in the training?
Trauma-informed care is important because it addresses the specific needs and experiences of survivors, ensuring that the support provided is sensitive to their trauma and promotes healing and empowerment.

Training Topics

Q8: What topics are covered in the Academy’s training programs?
Our training programs cover a variety of topics, including:

  • Understanding Human Trafficking in Africa

  • Leadership Development

  • Afro-centric Trauma-Informed Care

  • Financial Literacy

  • Human Trafficking Laws and Policies

  • Climate Change and Human Trafficking

Q9: How does the Academy address the link between climate change and human trafficking?
We offer training that explores the impact of climate change on human trafficking, highlighting how environmental factors can exacerbate vulnerabilities and contribute to the trafficking cycle. This holistic approach helps participants understand the broader context of human trafficking.

Q10: How can I enroll in the training programs?
You can enroll in our training programs by visiting our website and registering for the courses that interest you. Keep an eye on our website for upcoming training sessions and registration details.