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Contributing Experts

Ioana Bauer

Ioana Bauer is currently serving as Chairwoman at eLiberare, a leading Romanian anti-trafficking CSO. She contributes guidance and other support to Footprint to Freedom, the African Survivor Coalition, and ASLA.

Mădălina Boț

Mădălina Boț is a communications expert who advocates for complex social issues with intersectional feminist lenses. She has supported various communications efforts of Footprint to Freedom and the African Survivor Coalition and is now engaged with the multimedia development of ALSA.

David S. Massaquoi

David S. Massaquoi is the Director of Education and National Contact Person for Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Response of the Salvation Army Liberia, Sierra Leone & Guinea Territory. He provides important support in a variety of ways.

Dr. Suad Mohamed

From Somalia, Suad Mohamed holds a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and works as a researcher and social medical consultant. She aims to improve the healthcare and pharmaceutical systems in developing countries and to empower women. Suad looks forward to sharing her medical expertise and network with the ASLA community.

Evita Esther Situma

Evita Esther Situma is enthusiastic and dynamic AML professional with 9 years of varied experience in AML activities including regulation of sectors (financial and non-financial), developing typologies, AML/TF methodologies, KYC processes, Enhanced Due Diligence, Remediation and QA functions. As well as working with local and international stakeholders on a variety of levels as part of my regulatory compliance responsibilities in the public sector. Currently Senior Specialist: Financial Crime Compliance/Divisional Manager at Discovery Bank, an innovate award winning digital bank.  Evita currently holds a CAMS, CGSS, AMLC Prac (SA) certification and is currently busy with a Masters in Corruption and Governance through the University of Sussex. Evita is also plays an active role in the SAMLIT Modern Slavery Human Trafficking Expert Working Group. She is one of the authors for the report  Follow The Money - How understanding financial flows and key  indicators can help to fight modern slavery  and human trafficking in South Africa She currently heads up the training and raising awareness work stream which was borne out of recommendations  from the afore mentioned report. She was recently awarded AMLC Prac (SA) by the Compliance Institute of South Africa.

Joy Sunday Kingsley

Joy Sunday Kingsley is a passionate anti-human trafficking advocate from Nigeria with a background in Experiential Marketing and Communications. Driven by her passion for social justice, she transitioned into the anti-human trafficking space. Currently, Joy holds the vital role of Movement Building and Communications Coordinator for Footprint to Freedom. She is also one of the major driving forces behind the development of the African Survivor Coalition—a network dedicated to empowering, uniting, and amplifying the voices of survivor leaders across all 54 African Nations.

Joy collaborates closely with individuals who have lived-experience to develop programs, initiatives, and resources aimed at enhancing survivor capacity and ensuring their voices resonate powerfully. She takes immense pride in her knack for bringing ideas to life, executing initiatives that leave a lasting impact on the human trafficking landscape.

Heather Wokusch

Heather Wokusch has a global career in organizational development, instructional design, virtual learning, cross-culture, and multimedia. She serves as a mentor to Footprint to Freedom and the African Survivor Coalition and supports ASLA with strategy and multimedia development.